Content Marketing

I create relevant and valuable content to use across all touchpoints to attract new customers.

Content marketing is one of the most effective ways to build brand identity, increase brand awareness and reputation, create customer engagement, generate leads and increase sales. It consists of creating and sharing textual and visual content relevant to your brand or product that can provide useful information and guidance to your potential customers. Content published on the web, if it is quality, has the power to increase online reputation and give authority to the brand, as well as being critical for SEO ranking on search engines. I take care of creating content for your blog and social media, to increase traffic to your site, establish connections with external parties and increase your conversions.

Content Marketing Services

Audit and Content Strategy

In order to create content that is both relevant to your brand and engaging, the analysis and strategy phase is crucial. I take care of analyzing the main characteristics of your brand, your competitors and your customers to select and define your content and your communication, on which channels to place it and define KPIs to monitor your progress and optimize your content.

Blog Posts

A hig quality blog marketing strategy allows you to rank for keywords, increase visits to your site and qualified e-commerce leads, and gain authority through the creation of quality content. I take care of developing and managing your business blog, creating quality articles that are relevant to your potential customers’ searches.

Social Media Posts

Social media marketing is a great way to leverage social media’s ability to generate interaction and sharing to increase your brand’s visibility, awareness and sales. I create and design various formats of custom graphics, infographics and posts for your target customers to share on your corporate social media.

Guest Posts

Guest blogging means writing and publishing posts for someone else’s site or blog. This is a very effective strategy to build new relationships, increase your brand authority, increase your leads and improve your SEO ranking. I create guest posts on other sites frequented by your target audience to spread your brand message to a larger audience. I also promote your guest posts on your social media pages to generate more traffic to your content.


Outreach marketing is a marketing strategy that focuses on creating content in collaboration with influential individuals, organizations, or websites that have a strong relationship with your target audience in order to receive backlinks. I focus on identifying individuals, organizations, and websites that have audiences that share similar interests, needs, and issues as yours. Once I’ve identified my target audience, I’ll contact them to create content for your site or to promote your content.

Digital Press Release (PR)

Digital PR and influencer marketing is the best way to increase your lead generation and conversions. I work to create informative resources and easily shareable press releases to promote your brand across digital platforms and traditional media. I develop your key message, create your content roadmap, and collaborate with influencers, digital media, and influential publishers to bring your content to a wider qualified audience.