E-commerce Design

Designing and managing your E-commerce.

In recent years, due to the health and economic situation, many traditional businesses have suffered a great loss of revenue. With the acceleration of digital transformation, people’s consumption behaviors have changed, recording a dramatic increase in online purchases in recent years. For this reason, having an e-commerce where you can sell your products online has become a mandatory choice for businesses. I provide e-commerce design and management services to businesses of all sizes. I focus not only on creating a beautiful design, but on simple and consistent representation of brand values and information that customers are looking for, as well as order management and digital catalog. I perform in-depth site analysis, competitive benchmarking, and audience analysis to identify significant elements of your brand identity and determine your website’s conversion path. My job is to build an e-commerce that is personalized, professional, secure (HTTPS), responsive (mobile-friendly), optimized for search engine optimization (SEO), easy to use and designed specifically to convert.

Main Benefits of Having an E-commerce

Low Budget Needed 

Be Where Your Customers Are

New Selling Opportunities

Customer Data Collection

Advertising Personalization

Purchasing Process Time Reduction

24 Hour Accessibility

Customer’s Cognitive Barriers Breaking Down

Attract New Staff and Business Opportunities

Low Budget Needed 

Be Where Your Customers Are

New Selling Opportunities

Customer Data Collection

Advertising Personalization

Purchasing Process Time Reduction

24 Hour Accessibility

Customer’s Cognitive Barriers Breaking Down

Attract New Staff and Business Opportunities

E-commerce Design Services

Shopify Design

Shopify is an e-commerce platform where users can create their own online store. A Shopify store is able to perform all the necessary payment transactions: with credit cards, POS software and much more. I design and manage e-commerce on Shopify tailored to represent your brand identity and meet the needs of your customers.


Logo Design

Your company’s logo serves as a sign of recognition for customers and as a basic element in building your brand identity. I will design you a custom logo that represents your brand identity and that can transmit value to your customers.

Responsive Design

With over 50% of internet traffic coming from mobile users, having a responsive e-commerce design (one that is suitable for viewing on multiple devices) is essential. The e-commerces I design are 100% responsive.

E-commerce Hosting & Domain

Increase the loading performance of your e-commerce and improve its security with web hosting services. My e-commerce design services include hosting and extensive domain management tools to keep your domains secure and stable.

Business Email Address

Having a professional business email address is a useful way to make your company more credible and more professional to your customers. I take care of setting up and managing your business email address plan.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Invest in SEO optimized e-commerce design services to ensure that your e-commerce can be scanned and indexed by search engines without any problems. I do your e-commerce’s onsite and offsite optimization to ensure good search engine rankings.

E-commerce Maintenance

Regular e-commerce maintenance is critical to ensure that your website is running at full capacity while maintaining high performance. I provide periodic monitoring and maintenance of your website’s key aspects that need improvement.

E-commerce Analysis

I perform a series of in-depth site analyses that allow me to improve your e-commerce’s usability and increase engagement and conversions. I perform SEO audits, competitive analysis, speed testing, other features testing, payment process testing, other process testing, social media, sales and traffic analysis to improve your e-commerce performances. I will also provide you with quantitative and qualitative reports so you can keep track of your business’ progress.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

I constantly monitor results to optimize your e-commerce and move visitors to the bottom of the sales funnel. I improve the website speed, eliminate unnecessary form fields, insert clear calls to action and simplify your page navigation.

GDPR Conformation

The GDPR is a regulatory framework that outlines when and how online businesses with a e-commerce must disclose information on how they collect and use customer data of European citizens. I take care of all the procedures to make your site compliant with the GDPR regulations.

Catalog Management

For an e-commerce business, catalog management is a vital component of building an online brand because it helps customers find what they’re looking for and feel comfortable making a purchase based on the information provided. I will update, manage and optimize your online product catalog.

Payment Integration

A payment gateway is a merchant service that processes and settles credit card payments for ecommerce sites. I integrate most popular payment services such as PayPal, MasterCard, Stripe and Square to your e-commerce store.

Orders Management

An order management system consists of all the activities that follow sales, ordering, inventory and fulfillment. It enables the people, processes and partnerships necessary for products to find their way to the customers who purchased them. I handle all order management, from order submission, label creation, courier booking and returns processing.

Other Sales Channel Integration

To increase sales, a best practice is to increase customer touchpoints. That’s why integrating a multichannel sales strategy to your e-commerce can be the winning choice. I take care of integrating your product catalog into the world’s leading marketplaces such as Amazon, eBay, Aliexpress and many others.

E-commerce Design Phases

Free Consultation

Phase 1

The process starts with a free consultation, so we can talk about your business and your needs. At the end of this phase, I propose a series of solutions that may meet your needs.

Service Term Definition

Phase 2

After choosing the ideal solution for you, we move on to choosing the functionality that the e-commerce should have, the graphic and design solutions, the structure of the e-commerce and the support services. At this stage, regular meetings are held to find the final choice together.

Draft Design

Phase 3

Once the preliminary stages are finished, we move on to the actual design. Initially, to allow you time to prepare and provide me with the content with which to fill the e-commerce, I will design a draft of the e-commerce with stock photos and dummy tests. Once the draft is finished, I present it to you so that you can provide me with feedback and point me to any changes that need to be made.

Website Design

Phase 4

Once the draft is approved, and you have provided me with the content to be included, I proceed with the final design of the e-commerce. Once the design is complete and all required functionality has been added and tested, the e-commerce is ready to be reviewed.


Phase 5

Once the site is finished, you are presented with the final work. Afterwards, if you are satisfied with the work the e-commerce is launched, otherwise I proceed with the required changes until you are completely satisfied.


Phase 6

When the final version of the e-commerce is approved, we proceed with the launch. At this stage, the e-commerce goes online and is ready to perform its function.

Training and Support

Phase 7

Once your e-commerce goes online, we will schedule a training call to explain how to manage your e-commerce and answer any questions you may have. I also provide support on the terms and conditions defined in the preliminary phase.

E-commerce Design Phases

Free Consultation

Phase 1

The process starts with a free consultation, so we can talk about your business and your needs. At the end of this phase, I propose a series of solutions that may meet your needs.

Service Term Definition

Phase 2

After choosing the ideal solution for you, we move on to choosing the functionality that the e-commerce should have, the graphic and design solutions, the structure of the e-commerce and the support services. At this stage, regular meetings are held to find the final choice together.

Draft Design

Phase 3

Once the preliminary stages are finished, we move on to the actual design. Initially, to allow you time to prepare and provide me with the content with which to fill the e-commerce, I will design a draft of the e-commerce with stock photos and dummy tests. Once the draft is finished, I present it to you so that you can provide me with feedback and point me to any changes that need to be made.

Website Design

Phase 4

Once the draft is approved, and you have provided me with the content to be included, I proceed with the final design of the e-commerce. Once the design is complete and all required functionality has been added and tested, the e-commerce is ready to be reviewed.


Phase 5

Once the site is finished, you are presented with the final work. Afterwards, if you are satisfied with the work the e-commerce is launched, otherwise I proceed with the required changes until you are completely satisfied.


Phase 6

When the final version of the e-commerce is approved, we proceed with the launch. At this stage, the e-commerce goes online and is ready to perform its function.

Training and Support

Phase 7

Once your e-commerce goes online, we will schedule a training call to explain how to manage your e-commerce and answer any questions you may have. I also provide support on the terms and conditions defined in the preliminary phase.